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Bogense Old Harbour

The Old Harbour in Bogense was built way back in 1828 and was once a very active industrial and ferry port, but today it is pure cosiness, large boats and an impressive view.

The old harbour in Bogense was built in 1828, and the harbor was expanded both in 1874 and 1894.

Today, the Old Harbour is a cozy and relaxed place with lots of benches, good restaurants and shops, large yachts, old fishermen's houses and of course a nice view.

The Old Harbor in Bogense in the old days ...

Once upon a time there was a busy industrial area here: the fishing trawlers were busy, the factories were noisy, the trucks were everywhere, the ferry was tooting and it was dirty most of the time - it was a very active port.

The eastern quay is the former trading and cargo port. DFDS (The United Steamship Company) had a steamship route between Copenhagen, Bogense and Vejle until about 1930.

The western quay was the fishing harbour with an auction hall, a fishmonger’s and a smokehouse.

There was a shipyard at the edge. The Aero Mill inside the harbour was built by the engineering company FL Smidth to produce direct current for the power plant. There was also a gas plant, a lime kiln and a cement plant. The former railroad also had a track here for cargo transportation.

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