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Canoe rental at Vestbirk Camping

Vestbirk Camping is located right at the Gudenå River, and the camping site is therefore a perfect place to begin your canoe trip. Experience the river’s beautiful nature while you quietly paddle with the stream.

Cosy canoeing in the scenic beauty

Begin your canoe trip at Vestbirk Camping, where the Gudenå River runs in the backyard. Explore this scenic route at a slow pace. Nearby Close to Vestbirk Camping you can also visit The Uncovered Bridge (Den Genfundne Bro) and the charming town Brædstrup.


Canoe rental

On this part of the Gudenå River, you are only allowed to sail in the northbound direction. So either a drop-off or a pick-up of the canoe is included in the price when you rent a canoe at Vestbirk Camping.

The campsite offers day trips in a canoe from the 16th of June to the 31st of December. The price for renting a canoe with room for 3 people for a day is 650 DKK.

As there are a limited number of sail authorisations available on the Gudenå River, we recommend booking as early as possible.


Where to start and where to end the canoe trip?

The trip can either begin in Aale or Aastedbro and end the trip at Vestbirk Camping. You can also start at the campsite in Vestbirk and end the trip in Voervadsbro or Klostermølle.

Distances on the stretch between Aale and Klostermølle:

  • Aale – Aastedbro: approx. 4 km
  • Aastedbro – Bredstenbro: approx. 7 km
  • Bredstenbro – Vestbirk Vandkraftværk: approx. 7 km
  • Vestbirk Vandkraftværk – Voervadsbro: approx. 6 km
  • Voervadsbro – Klostermølle: approx. 6 km 

A day trip to or from Vestbirk Camping is approx. 15 km.


Want to explore more of the Gudenå River?

The Gudenå River offers many different experiences. If you would like to spend a day in a canoe, you can read more about canoeing on the river Gudenåen. If you would rather stay on land, you can also find inspiration for experiences at the Gudenå.

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