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Elizabeth Stokkebye

The artist Elizabeth Stokkebye uses figures and bodies to express her art.

Elizabeth Stokkebye's art is about figures and bodies. She likes to paint her family, children and grandchildren, and she wants to express her love through art. She doesn't try to make it look like a photograph, but takes the mood and puts it on the canvas. She paints photographs that she chooses based on composition and relationship; then she uses colors and impressions from her own sensory experience.

She is body conscious and respects the body and what it needs. It seeks to have its senses fulfilled. Sight, sound, smell, taste and touch - We all have bodies, and through them we sense, with the help of the senses, our surroundings. Elizabeth seeks an awareness of just that. That is why she also plays with bodies in her paintings.

In addition to using acrylic, oil and pastels, Elizabeth also uses paper, wallpaper, cheesecloth and crushed shells as well as other materials that together create a Mixed Media.

Experience Elizabeth Stokkebye's art

Discover Elizabeth's paintings and art at Truntehuset in Kerteminde - an artist colony, consisting of Anne Muff, Anders Hindborg, Karl Aage Madsen and Elizabeth Stokkebye.

Free entrance and parking.

Opening hours in the Truntehuset

  • May to August: Every Saturday and Sunday at 11-16
  • September: Every Sunday at 11-16
  • October to April: Last Sunday of the month at 11-16

When the flag is out on other days, there is open access.

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