The ford at Hovborg Kro
In the garden at Hovborg Inn, you can still see the ford, which should be passed when steers where exported in the middle ages.
The Drift Road was a very used export way for cattle from northern Jutland, which should be sold in Husum and Hamburg. The cattle were driven through Jutland to disembarkation in, for instance, Ribe. Along the way, crossing creeks should be passed; one of them was the creek in Holme. It was natural to place an Inn at the same place, so the drifters could be strengthened, before they continued their journey southwards. When the drifters moved around here, the area was a desolate and windswept moor, a tough place to move around and live in. In the garden at Hovborg Inn, the first trees that are planted in the area in 1857 is still there. The trees were planted by the innkeeper Johan Kristoffer Sørensen. He started the planting of beeches in the garden, and umbellifers south of the inn.
The guests of today are welcome to walk in the garden and see the ford. The old Drift Road inn is still there, and it can offer good food and coffee in the low-ceilinged rooms. Inside the Inn’s rooms, there are pictures and postures about the Drift Road.