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Kovads Bæk

The spring is located at the bottom of Rebild National Park in the flat marsh area, which extends from the asphalt road towards the valley, Stendalen. In this area, there are several small springs, which run together to form the stream that runs under the road.

Later a ditch (aqueduct) was established in concrete over the stream, so that the Rebild farmers could water the meadows and ensure winter forage for the cattle. The ditch is still visible in the meadows.

Kovadsbækken is a seepage spring and the water yield is approximately 80-85 litres per second, and it flows into the river, Lindenborg Å.

The spring is the home of, among other plants, cutleaf water parsnip, water mint and large bittercress.

There is a population of brook trout in the stream, which is quite unusual. This species only breeds in a few streams in Denmark because it requires clean and cold water to exist. All in all, Kovadsbækken is worth a visit especially in winter. In addition to brook trout, sea trout are often seen in the clear water during November and December. Kovadsbækken is actually one of the finest spawning streams in Denmark, and the reasons are the rapidly flowing water and gravel at the bottom of the stream

At the stream, you can also be lucky to see kingfisher, white-throated dipper, and grey wagtail.

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