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Meadow 'Højskoleengen' in Rødding

The town of Rødding is the birthplace of the schoolsystem known as ‘højskoler’. In the western part of the town a meadow has been made under the name of ‘Højskoleengen’. It is located between the town and højskolen, but also between the two churches in Rødding, Rødding Kirke and Rødding Frimenighedskirke.

Through the meadow runs a stream named ‘Rødding Bæk’. There is steppingstones to cross the stream but new bridges has also been made. It is possible to play at the water’s edge and to enjoy your packed lunch at the table set near the stream.
You can also find the amphitheater where outdoor events are taking place. A monument has been founded for the priest and author Jakob Knudsen (1858-1917) who was born in Rødding.

Near the entrance to the meadow you will find the monument of reunification (1920) which was erected by Rødding Højskole. The stone is from the local area and has been made by Niels Hansen-Jacobsen, a local artist from Vejen. The stone is part of a so-called twin-stone. The other half of the reunification monument is located near Hjerting. The reunification of Southern Jutland with the rest of Denmark in 1920 is the event in the history of the nation that has been commemorated the most on monuments nationwide, not just in Southern Jutland.

It is free to use the meadow and you can use the parking area near the Frimenigheds Church to the north of Højskoleengen.

Højskoleengen was opened for the public for the first time on the 1st of October 2016. It was a project shared by Rødding Højskole, Rødding town, Vejen Municipality and Vejen Public Utility.

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