Nibe Idræts- & Kulturcenter
Nibe Idræts- & KulturCenter is a beautifully situated sports- and culture center surrounded by its own playing fields. Overnight stays are possible, conferences are welcome, and bathrooms are available.
NIKC daily houses local clubs and associations in Nibe, but these are not the only uses for the house. When it comes to how to use this beautiful, modern building, the possibilities are endless. Nibe Idræts- & KulturCenter offers to cater any kind of event.
Overnight Stays
The center has sleeping accommodation for 48 people, shared among eight rooms with shared bathroom facilities in the hallway. As such, each room has four beds with the possibility of make two extra beds on settees. Breakfast buffet can be purchased in NIKC.
Exercise options
Nibe Idræts- & KulturCenter features an exercise- and treatment facility, as well as two fully developed gymnasiums, both equipped with modern bathing and changing facilities. In extension of the center is Nibe Fysioterapi & Fitness (Nibe Physical Therapy and Fitness).
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