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Skjoldnæs Lighthouse

Visit Skjoldnæs Lighthouse and enjoy both the architecture and the view from the top.

The lighthouse was built in 1881 by Swedish stone-masons - some of whose decendants still live on the island. The lighthouse is built of very finely cut granite stones and stands 32 metres above sea level. The light flashes once every 30 seconds.

Today the old residence of the lighthouse master is the club house of Ærø Golf Club.

Access to the lighthouse
There is access to the lighthouse around the clock against a modest fee. After dark, the top of the tower is a favorite stargazing spot.

Please note that in the evening you must turn on the light yourself just inside the lighthouse's front door.

Also visit The Queen's Cavern
Next to the lighthouse there is a parking lot and from there a path down the beach. When you go down the path there's a hollow called Dronningens Hule (The Queen's Cavern) on your right hand. An old legend tells that a son of King Ure married the king daughter of Lyø.

After the festive wedding, the young couple sailed away from Ærø. Unfortunately, an autumn storm surprised the newly married couple and their ship went down. The young queen's body drove upon the naze at Skjoldnæs that used to be a wooden area. She was then buried there hence The Queen's Cavern.

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