Dyrehave Mill
With its 25 meters and 7 floors with mill lofts, “Dyrehave Mølle" (Mill) is one of Denmark’s highest windmills. It was built in 1858 and consists of around 1 million bricks.
The wings being made of Douglas fir are 16 feet, 20 meters in length and provided with wooden sails. The cap of the mill is covered with zinc plates and provided with a small mill, a “fantail”. This device ensures that the wings are turning in the wind direction by themselves.
From the first loft, the finished goods were loaded down on to vehicles. The second loft is a storage. On the third loft the grounded flour was sacked. On the fourth loft you find the big driving wheel, and there is an entry to the gallery to set the mill in motion. On the fifth loft the hoist is situated. The sixth is a so called dust loft. The seventh and last loft is in the cap. In the cap, the big “cap wheel” is located. The mill has been owned by the present family since 1916.