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Gallery RK

Gallery RK - See Ruth Kirsten's work

A little about my background:

My life has been an exciting game of artistic expression. My story goes all the way back to 1960 when my father gave me a painting box. In 1976 I went to the Funen Art Academy's preschool. Here we learned academic observation and drawing from plaster models. Later at the Free Art School in Odense, it was portrait painting that interested me. At that time, I worked with oil and the inevitable turpentine. I ended up becoming hypersensitive to the turpentine fumes and put the painting aside for many years.

Since then I have searched for new ways of expression and found digital images, where I photographed my paintings and processed them in a photo program. Then came ceramics and art therapy.

My life has been a long chain of fascinating transformations. Right now I am here: in the borderland between analogue and digital.

My gallery is open by appointment on tel. +45 50 55 64 94

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