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Guide for purchasing a fishing licence

Step 1: Choose duration of validation

Choose between:

  • Day
  • Week
  • Year

If you choose a day or week pass you can state the start date up to 30 days forward.

Step 2: Fill out your information

Fill out civil registration number, name and address for the person using the licence. E-mail address is also required in order for you to receive the digital licence.

Step 3: Decide if you wish to have a plastic card (not a requirement)

The plastic card has the size and quality of a credit card. You can easily bring the card along making sure you remember your fishing number. The price of the card is DKK 15 and it will be sent you within 14 days after the purchase.

The period of validation will not appear at the plastic card. The period of validation lasts as long as the fishing number is prolonged. The starting date is the day of the purchase.

You will keep your fishing number and do not need to purchase another plastic card when the number is prolonged.

Step 4: Place your purchase in the shopping bag

Now it is possible to buy more fishing licences for your family or friends before moving on to the payment. Note that each member of a household must have their own licence.

Step 5: Check your purchase

Are the information right?

Step 6: Confirm your purchase by entering credit card information

Card number – at the front side of the card

Expiry date - at the front side of the card

Control number – the last 3 digits in the series of numbers over the magnetic strip

You might want to read more about the safety of the payment.

Step 7: Save the fishing licence

After the purchase has been made you can save the licence(s). The fishing licence contains the fishing number that you must bring along with your identification when fishing. If there is control you must state the number and show identification.

You can store the licence at your phone as a PDF or as a simple text document. You can also just make a note of the fishing number and state it during control along with your identification.

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