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LiteratureXchange is a international literature festival in Aarhus spanning 10 days. The programme consists of around 180 events with everything from literature at the waterfront to literary dinners, in addition to traditional readings and debates.

International perspective

LiteratureXchange presents Danish as well as international authors, talks between researchers and authors about international topics and different offbeat activities making the entire city buzz with literature. The festival will be present throughout Aarhus with open-air events, in theatres, cafés and several other cultural institutions.

Buzzing Literature Festival in Aarhus

LiteratureXchange explores how literature can challenge our understanding of ourselves and the world we live in. Can literature change the world? Can it change our opinions or put them in perspective?

The festival will create a space for dialogue concerning the potentials of literature by focusing on current global themes. This will be discussed by international and Danish authors, researchers and critics.


There will be separate tickets for each event, which can be bought online. There is no ticket for the entire festival, but there will be package deals for several events available. There will also be several free events. Learn more on the website.

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