Møllehistoriske Samling – a historical collection about mills
Møllehistoriske Samling – is a department of the Historical Museum of Northern Jutland, dealing with old water, wind and animal-driven mills.
It features the following:
"Stronger than 100 men" - an exhibition telling the story of around 1000 years of mill building. This focuses upon the basic mechanical knowledge that the mill-builders of the past possessed. The exhibition uses digital media to tell the story of mechanical water and wind mills, and their development from the medieval period until Poul la Cour’s revolutionary experiments, which produced the knowledge about aerodynamics that forms the basis of the modern windmill industry.
Havnø Mølle is North Jutland’s largest windmill. It still works and operates during the summer, when there’s sufficient wind.
Ulsted Mølle, which is facing a large-scale restoration. When this begins, you’ll be able to follow the work on our website.
Møllehistoriske Samling is housed in Rosendalgården, together with the local history collection, Hadsund Egnssamling, and just behind the museum is Hadsund Deer Park (Hadsund Dyrehave). From here, it’s only a few minutes’ walk to the centre of Hadsund.