Useful phone numbers
Here we have compiled some useful phone numbers that you may need during your vacation on Samsø.
Remember, you are always welcome to visit the tourist information office, located on the main street of our “capital” Tranebjerg.
Emergency: 112
The ferry to Sjælland/Kalundborg: Tel. +45 7025 1025 –
The ferry to Jylland/Hou: Tel. +45 7022 5900 –
The bus on Samsø: Tel. +45 7210 8010 –
Samsø Police: Tel. +45 8792 1448
Drugstore: Tel. +45 8659 0030
Medical service: Monday-Friday from 8 am to 4 pm the medical service is conducted by the island’s GPs on Sygehusvej 24, Tranebjerg. Call +45 8792 1622 or +45 8792 1633 to make an appointment.
Out-of-hours services: If you become ill outside your own GP’s surgery hours, you can call the out-of-hours service. You should only call if you are unable to wait until your GP’s surgery opens again. The out-of-hours service is open from 4 pm to 8 am from Monday to Friday and all around the clock on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays. Call: +45 7011 3131. Consultation and at Sygehusvej 26 in Tranebjerg done can only be done by appointment.
Dentist: Tel. +45 8659 0185
Veterinarian: Samsø Dyreklinik Tel. +45 8659 0415 or Rosendal Dyreklinik Tel. +45 6131 0049
Opening Hours: See current opening hours of the island’s restaurants, shops, etc. at and