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Vesterø Havn

Vesterø Harbour is Læsø's first harbour, built in 1872 and continuously expanded and modernized. Vesterø Harbour is a ferry port with the Læsø Ferry, a large marina, a fishing harbour, and an active setting that includes accommodations, dining places, service shops, a shipyard, fishmongers, and the Ferry and Tourist Office.

Vesterø Harbour is the focal point for many activities on Læsø for both visitors and residents. There is always something to see with arrivals and departures, and many locals often stop by the harbour just to see what's happening.

Adjacent to the harbour, to the south, there is a 10 km child-friendly beach and large natural areas.

A bus departs directly from the harbour square to Byrum (7 km) and Østerby Harbour (20 km). There is also the option to rent bicycles just a few hundred meters from the harbour.

On warm, bright summer evenings, the harbour hill is a gathering place for the island's population, who, together with guests, enjoy the sunset and the view over the harbour and Kattegat.


In 2024, a new Wi-Fi system with plenty of capacity has been installed: Vesterø Harbour – the password can be found on the notice board in the ticket office at Bødehuset and at the Tourist Office.

Large marina

Vesterø Havn

A large portion of Vesterø Harbour's pier space is dedicated to recreational sailors, who, in calm weather from spring through late summer, fill the harbour with life, often docking side by side during the peak season.
Vesterø Harbour offers excellent facilities, including well-maintained service buildings, a user-friendly payment system, digital guest services, plenty of power outlets and water taps, and numerous cozy spots with good opportunities to sit near your boat.
For those with permanent moorings, crane services for winter storage are organized collectively, and there are also good opportunities to have your boat and equipment serviced by some of the island’s maritime service providers.

Ferry port

Vesterø Havn

The Læsø ferries, Ane and Margrete, are Læsø's lifelines, connecting Frederikshavn with Læsø with between four and up to eight departures daily. The crossing takes 90 minutes, and the ferries transport residents, guests, and goods back and forth all year round.

Bødehus and ticket office

href="https://www.visitlaesoe.dk/turist/oplevelser/strande" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Vesterø Havn

Centrally located in Vesterø Harbour is the bødehus, which has a ticket machine for sailors and excellent service facilities for visitors to the harbour. On the first floor, there is a kitchen and dining area, and the island's associations regularly use the space for general meetings, coffee after hikes, and other activities.

Shipyard and smithy

Vesterø Havn

There has been a shipyard at Vesterø Harbour since 1897! For many years, the slipway was used by the renowned shipbuilder Dolmer, who was famous for his beautiful and seaworthy vessels, and to this day, Dolmer cutters still exist. Nowadays, there is a slipway and a smithy, both of which are frequently used by locals and visitors alike for servicing motorboats, sailboats, and, as shown here, fishing vessels at Vesterø Slipway.

Dining and shopping

Vesterø Havn

A large part of Vesterø's commercial life is centered around or at Vesterø Harbour. Hotels, restaurants, fish shops, a grocery store, and specialty shops are located side by side, contributing to the vibrant atmosphere at the harbour. This is especially true during the summer months, but with the shops, ferry port, tourist office, and fishing boats, there is activity year-round.


Vesterø Havn

Vesterø Harbour hosts several of Læsø's accommodations, including two of a kind with a long history. The Havnebakken dates back to around 1917 and was once a sailors' home but is now a modern restaurant and spa hotel with many rooms offering views of the harbour and Kattegat. The neighboring building is Carlsens, also a hotel and restaurant, with its main structure dating back to 1853—actually before the harbour was built.

Bathing beach, bathing pier, and winter swimming area

Vesterø Havn

Direkt am Hafen und dem Anlegebereich der Fähre gelegen, und das Erste, was die Gäste der Insel sehen, wenn sie von der Fähre kommen, ist der Strand von Vesterø, einer der beliebtesten Strände der Insel und aus gutem Grund. Der Strand ist kinderfreundlich, und am Pier gibt es eine Badebrücke und eine Winterbadebrücke mit angrenzender Sauna – Læsø Booking bietet Mitgliedschaften für sowohl den Verein als auch die Sauna zu sehr günstigen Preisen an.
Der Strand ist in der Saison gut besucht und dient das ganze Jahr über als Ausgangs- und Endpunkt für viele Wanderungen, darunter auch Læsøs Ø-Camino, die sowohl in Vesterø Hafen beginnen als auch enden kann.

150-jähriges Jubiläum im Jahr 2022

Vesterø Havn

In fact, it was a ban on home distilling that led to the funds needed to build a harbour at Vesterø. Before the harbour was established in 1972, all transport of mail, passengers, and goods was carried out in open boats to the beach. However, with a sum of 3,000 rigsdaler as compensation for the ban on home distilling, Læsø was able to fund the construction of the harbour.
The establishment of Vesterø Harbour has been of great importance for the development of the community on Læsø—impacting ferry traffic, fishing, trade, and shipbuilding.

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