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Vesterø Kirke

The church is redwashed with white details.
The church consists of a brick late-romantic nave with a slightly narrower choir, a late-Gothic tower to the west, and a modern porch to the north.

The medieval parts are dialed from red and yellow monk's stone, in monk's connection, but are largely shell-walled with small stones.

The nave has a beamed ceiling, a Gothic cross vault has been built into the chancel. The tower, which lies at an angle to the church, has glazed gables to the north and south (the years 1767 and 1794 allude to restorations).

A pointed arch connects the nave with the tower room, which is covered with an eight-part vault.
The armory was built in 1885 (architect F. Uldall) of red brick. It was replaced by an older half-timbered one. Even earlier, there was a porch on the south side.
The church is redwashed with white details, the roof of the nave is extended over the chancel to the east, finished with a hipped roof. On this is the monk roof tile, on the other roof surfaces wing tiles.

A major renovation took place from 1947-48 (architect L. Teschl). On the brick altar table stands a late Gothic velvet altarpiece from the year 1475 with two rows of figures: In the central nave, Christ and the Virgin Mary in the sun, surrounded by eight heroes, including St. Archclaus and St. Etherus, probably two rarely occurring saint-bishops.
On the wings the apostles. The board was restored in 1708 by Bertel Hansen's wife, Kirsten Lauritsdatter. There is an old chalice which was paid for in 1698 by Berendt Fællenkamp and Magdalene Bracm. The altarpieces were made in 1648 at the expense of Jørgen Rosenkrantz and Mrs. Christensen Juul.
Three ship models and epitaphs are hung in the ship. On the choir vault there are late Gothic frescoes (The Holy Three Kings) from the beginning of the 16th century, for which the church is probably best known.

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