Draved skov og Kongens Mose - Løgumkloster
Draved Forest is one of the best developed natural forests, where the untouched parts are reminiscent of primeval forest. Here grows the tree species that dominated in the Stone Age, the forest linden. The robustness of the natural forest was proven during the hurricane of December in 1999. The large raised bog to the west is partly drained and cultivated, but still an important natural area and therefore worth a visit.
The countryside
Draved Forest is one of the few older forests between Aabenraa and the North Sea. This is partly due to the fact that it has been well sheltered by the surrounding, hard-to-reach bogs, which had a much greater distribution in the past. The forest is located on a northeastern tributary of Abild Bakkeø with very different soil conditions. The rich clay soil from the previous ice age is in places covered by low flying sand dunes, deposited during the most recent ice age, when West Jutland was not covered in ice. In places, shiny and edge-worn stones are seen in the surface from that time during the last ice age when fleeing snow and sand jogged over them.